333 research outputs found

    Comments on the paper by Kumagai, Hibino, Kawano and Sugiyama (1999) FEBS Lett. 450, 227–230

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    Les technologies de l'habitat, de l'information et de la communication au service des personnes vieillissantes : approche sémiotique et éthique des usages

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    International audienceA l'initiative de dĂ©cideurs institutionnels ou au sein de services hospitaliers spĂ©cialisĂ©s, des solutions technologiques ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©ployĂ©es souvent sur la base d'enquĂȘtes prĂ©liminaires associant les pathologies des personnes Ă  des solutions technologiques pensĂ©es comme Ă©tant une rĂ©ponse adĂ©quate par les dĂ©cideurs mĂ©dico-sociaux. En particulier le dĂ©ploiement de divers "packs" domotiques et TIC, ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es Ă  l'initiative de collectivitĂ©s territoriales ces 3-4 derniĂšres annĂ©es. Nous citerons la CorrĂšze et la Creuse pour la RĂ©gion Limousin. Appropriation, socialisation, plaisir de l'utilisation de l'objet sont donc des concepts Ă  intĂ©grer dans la dĂ©marche de conception des objets TIC destinĂ©s aux personnes en perte d'autonomie. Ces concepts relĂšvent d'Ă©tudes sĂ©miotiques. Cette dĂ©marche s'intĂ©resse Ă  la maniĂšre dont l'usager, avec ses compĂ©tences actuelles et les expĂ©riences gestuelles, culturelles qu'il a dĂ©veloppĂ©es au fil des pratiques de la vie quotidienne perçoit tel ou tel objet numĂ©rique destinĂ© Ă  l'aider. En l'occurrence, il s'agit d'interroger pour un usager donnĂ©, en amont, pendant et en aval de la conception, la pertinence de la forme, de la taille, de la couleur d'une interface numĂ©rique. Mais il s'agit aussi d'analyser l'efficience du mode d'interaction gestuelle que propose le dispositif. Comment transformer l'interaction avec un objet en vĂ©ritable coopĂ©ration fondĂ©e sur un mode sensible et intelligible singulier, perçu positivement par l'usager ? C'est Ă  cette question que nous rĂ©pondons

    On the semiotic appropriation of ICT tools for people in loss of autonomy

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    International audienceIt is now widely accepted that ICT objects for people with loss of autonomy do not meet the expected services. Their non-appropriation by the people is the main reason. This finding is important for policy makers and institutional medical organizations and caregivers as well as device manufacturers. Consequently, the concept of adequate appropriation is a process that must be developed in order to reduce dependency and introduce the notion of "natural health behavior." The object / equipment / device must be integrated into the gesture and everyday history of the person. It is the goal of a semiotic approach should also allow through better use and greater ownership, a better assessment of the impact of the object on the welfare and better living of the person

    Semiotics and semantic: tools for an effective appropriation of information, communication and health technologies

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    International audienceAbstract: As Cultural Objects, ICTs belong to the human sphere. This surround is driven by polysemiotics performances (involving many signs systems) which praxeological semantics permits to interpret. The term of Praxeology (or theory of human action) is used so far as it concerns to link principally technical objects to social practices in which they appears. The meaning of these objects is then studied in relation with the actions to which they are associated. In the case of the ICTs, their proposed "coupling" approaches (in particular for the HMIs) lead to a better use and simplify the appropriation process. The study of users' discourses is very interesting from this point of view, and should lead to formulate recommendations for a more efficient appropriation of the ICTs. In parallel, according to a new idea of design related to electronic objects semiotics often takes place in a plan that relates different disciplines. It offers a common language to all partners and gives tools for a clear depiction of the objects and subjects involved in the interaction and tell how they interact. Example of vocal interfaces is described

    Tatouage d'images cryptées pour l'aide au télédiagnostic

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    Le développement d'interfaces de visualisation à distance pour des images médicales rencontre des problÚmes de sécurité de données. Dans ce papier, nous présentons une combinaison des techniques de cryptage et de tatouage d'images. Nous proposons un systÚme permettant de transférer des images médicales de maniÚre sécurisée en générant une clef pour crypter l'image, puis en tatouant l'image avec la clef de cryptage et les données concernant le patient


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    ABSTRACT This paper presents a general approach related to bladed disk forced response prediction and a typical way to use it in the design process. Firstly, a good confidence level in prediction tools must be reached. The first application is a highly instrumented HP compressor blisk representative of a real engine environment. Simulation of forced response is compared to measurements in order to check the accuracy of prediction. For this test case, the results obtained are in very good agreement with measurements. The good quality of prediction is due to the complete characterization performed on the test case: all the influent parameters were identified before testing. But during the design process, many important parameters are unknown and this level of accuracy can not be obtained. Nevertheless, forced response prediction in the early design process can provide interesting information even if uncertainties are high for some parameters. As an illustration, a second application is proposed, based on the design experience of a new HP compressor of a known engine family. Some forced response predictions were performed during development and compared afterwards with measurements obtained during engine testing. This analysis has permitted to confirm some technical choices and to assess the High Cycle Fatigue risk associated to this new engine configuration. INTRODUCTION The forced response prediction of bladed disks is the main challenge to mitigate the risk of vibration of these structures. It is a way to avoid the late discovery of High Cycle Fatigue problems. Indeed, in the current design process, engine manufacturers know the vibration levels only at the very end of the development, during engine testing, or sometimes in operation (it is difficult to cover the entire flight domain with ground testing). But forced response prediction is complex because much of the needed information is unknown at the early stages of the design process: -an accurate computation of the aerodynamic forcing function -the dynamic behavior of the structure that can be complex (high modes, mistuning, non linearity) -an estimation of the total damping, as a combination of mechanical and aeroelastic damping. Many solutions have been proposed concerning the forced response simulation tools, both for unsteady aerodynamics and for the fluid/structure coupling. This paper does not describe a new computational method but tries to address the problem of the way to use forced response prediction in the design process. This paper 's objective is to propose a general methodology coherent with an industrial context, that is to say with many unknown parameters

    The EPOC project: Energy Proportional and Opportunistic Computing system

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    15397International audienceWith the emergence of the Future Internet and the dawning of new IT models such as cloud computing, the usage of data centers (DC), and consequently their power consumption, increase dramatically. Besides the ecological impact, the energy consumption is a predominant criteria for DC providers since it determines the daily cost of their infrastructure. As a consequence, power management becomes one of the main challenges for DC infrastructures and more generally for large-scale distributed systems. In this paper, we present the EPOC project which focuses on optimizing the energy consumption of mono-site DCs connected to the regular electrical grid and to renewable energy sources

    Impairment of gut microbial biotin metabolism and host biotin status in severe obesity: effect of biotin and prebiotic supplementation on improved metabolism

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    Objectives Gut microbiota is a key component in obesity and type 2 diabetes, yet mechanisms and metabolites central to this interaction remain unclear. We examined the human gut microbiome\u27s functional composition in healthy metabolic state and the most severe states of obesity and type 2 diabetes within the MetaCardis cohort. We focused on the role of B vitamins and B7/B8 biotin for regulation of host metabolic state, as these vitamins influence both microbial function and host metabolism and inflammation. Design We performed metagenomic analyses in 1545 subjects from the MetaCardis cohorts and different murine experiments, including germ-free and antibiotic treated animals, faecal microbiota transfer, bariatric surgery and supplementation with biotin and prebiotics in mice. Results Severe obesity is associated with an absolute deficiency in bacterial biotin producers and transporters, whose abundances correlate with host metabolic and inflammatory phenotypes. We found suboptimal circulating biotin levels in severe obesity and altered expression of biotin-associated genes in human adipose tissue. In mice, the absence or depletion of gut microbiota by antibiotics confirmed the microbial contribution to host biotin levels. Bariatric surgery, which improves metabolism and inflammation, associates with increased bacterial biotin producers and improved host systemic biotin in humans and mice. Finally, supplementing high-fat diet-fed mice with fructo-oligosaccharides and biotin improves not only the microbiome diversity, but also the potential of bacterial production of biotin and B vitamins, while limiting weight gain and glycaemic deterioration. Conclusion Strategies combining biotin and prebiotic supplementation could help prevent the deterioration of metabolic states in severe obesity
